Educational Impact

 Technology in general has a great effect on education. Students are able to have a better learning experience when learning with computers, smart boards, document cameras, iPods and other devices like these. Trying to find a sustainable way in which they can have all of this is a big goal for many schools with how they will fund, maintain, plan and upgrade in the future. Finding a balance for all of this is a big goal and many schools are striving for this. By having technology in classrooms students are able to be in an "active role rather than a passive role". They are able to be active in their learning rather than listening to a teacher tell them this information. Another effect is that students often increase motivation. When students are able to control what they are doing and succeed in it, they gain confidence in their work and are able to accomplish more. "Students gain a sense of empowerment from learning to control the computer and to use it in ways they associate with the real world." There are also more positive effects which include collaboration with peers, developing technical skills, ability to accomplish more complex tasks and a change in the teachers role in the classroom.
(Above information and quotes from Effects of Technology on Classroom)

 During an internship I had recently I was able to see how all of these grants effected local schools in the Eugene district. I had my internship at Edison Elementary in a 3rd grade classroom and was impressed by all of the technology that was evident in the classroom. There was a laptop for every student, a smart board, and a document camera. My first thought was that every classroom in the school had laptops for their whole classroom but later learned that another classroom shared the laptops with the classroom I was in. Not only was all of this technology present but the teacher did an excellent job of implementing technology use into the curriculum. She used the document reader for most of the assignments from showing math examples to reading along with the class. The class used the smart board as a group and often students were able to go to the board and personally answer questions on it. Sometimes they were also able to go to the laptop and answer questions on the laptop that was connected to the smart board. Every Wednesday morning 45 minutes was dedicated to laptop use doing typing programs as well as math and spelling games. This classroom is a great example of how grant money can be used in a successful way and effect students positively in their learning experience.

There are three different types of classrooms in the technology world. One in which all the students can afford to have their own laptops, one in which there are a few computers in each classroom for students to share and lastly classrooms in which there is no money for any computers or technology devices. These three different effects are evaluated in Three Public Schools. The author of this article was able to witness all these different types of learning environments in one day and see how that can effect the students. It is hard to figure out what each school needs and to say that one school is better than the other. While one school has a laptop for every student, another has a fantastic after school program that keeps kids out of trouble. Different areas needs different tools in their schools to have their students reach success and this includes having different amounts of technology.

The above image shows the classroom discussed in the article that is privilaged and allows every student to obtain a latptop.

A Closer Look
Current Practices
Educational Impact