- News from Room 15 - The September edition welcomes the class to the new school year and tells them some important things going on in the classroom and what to expect in the future.
- Excel Project - Used excel and worked with inputting cells, making graphs and tables.
- Desktop Publishing- Created a Worksheet and Tshirt Flyer using new skills learned with the Desktop Publishing program.
- Power Point Project - Worked with powerpoint to show classmates what our topic is about for the final project and used a script with talking points for the presentation.
In-Class Activities
- Searching with Style Scavenger Hunt - Using different search engines to look up facts on the internet.
- "Where Were They Thinking" Scavenger Hunt - Looked at various teachers stories on how they misbehaved online.
- The Profiler- Searched a classmate online and tried to find as much information as possible via internet.